Your Brain is a Product of the Past

Your Brain is a Product of the Past

June 13, 20242 min read

Your Brain is a Product of the Past

Does that resonate for you?  It may when I explain. With each experience we have, many more neurons join together to make even more enriched connections which upgrades your brain even further. So says Dr. Joe Dispenza, well known human potential speaker and leader in the use of neuro-science to change the brain.  He uses his knowledge to help people heal their bodies;  mentally, physically and emotionally.

He claims that experience not only enhances the brain circuitry but also create emotions. We are to think of emotions as the chemical residue from past experiences. In studying the brain, scientists neurologists and many more specialists have discovered, the stronger the emotional quotient from an event in our lives the more the experience leaves a lasting impression in our brain. That’s how long term memories are formed. 

Of course, this information intrigues me because as a hypnotherapist I know how past trauma or particularly high level experiences impact our lives and that there are triggers along our life path based on that one BIG trauma that keep us in a loop. It is known that the more you repeat a thought, behavior or emotion, the more the neurons in the brain fire and wire together.  

I have found in my practice that when a client experiences a highly charged emotional event (and of course events are all relative) as it could be as simple as your teacher in the 3rd grade calling you below average in intelligence or as highly charged as a parent abandoning the family when you are young.  That moment becomes imprinted neurologically in your brain as a memory. That feeling of sadness, despair and guilt from the past are literally stuck as chemical signals and are triggered by any experience that even remotely coincides with the past trauma.  You could be acting out like you’re 9 while at the age of 50 during work. You have the same emotional expression/feeling  as did the child whose teacher indicated to him that he was below intelligence when your team leader tells you she doesn’t agree with a project you were working on. 

My point is, we need to get hold of the root cause of the emotion and ensuing belief experienced in the traumatic event.  Once we understand the what,  where and how of the experience, we can come to terms with it through delving a bit into the subconscious where there is not a gatekeeper  (our conscious mind) trying to spare us the pain. We blast through with understanding and reverse the way we think about the event.  Try hypnotherapy. It is one of the great ways to help yourself release a lot of emotional baggage.

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